Hip Liposuction & Liposculpture For Men | Be Sculptured

Hip Liposuction for Men

Understanding Male Hip Liposculpture

Be Sculptured focuses on changing body shapes especially with hip/waist liposuction. Also known as flanks lipo or “love handles” lipo, this targets stubborn fat deposits located above the pelvis at the sides of the torso. When diet and exercise aren’t enough, or exercise unable to spot reduce certain areas, hip liposuction can change the shape of the body. If you would like to know more about our expertise, request a consultation with Dr Meaghan Heckenberg today.

Hip liposuction for men at Be Sculptured is a day-only procedure performed by our liposculpture proceduralist Dr Meaghan Heckenberg under local anaesthetic and intravenous sedation at a hospital.

Changes made by Male Hip Liposuction

After hip lipo liposuction:

Recovery Process

Male hip liposuction generally involves a recovery process where clients can expect some soreness, stiffness, swelling and bruising. This period will usually last a couple of weeks. Maximal swelling is expected between the first and second week post-operatively. After liposuction on hips (“love handles”), we recommend getting plenty of rest, avoiding any strenuous activity, and wearing compression garments for a minimum of 2 weeks during the recovery.

Cost of Hip Liposuction in Men

Hip liposuction costs vary for every client, depending on other areas that may be requested at the same time, which is why we recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr Heckenberg for an accurate estimate. However, you can expect your hip/ waist liposuction costs to be approximately $13,000- $14,000. This includes the initial consultation, the procedure fee, plus the hospital operating theatre fee and anaesthetist’s fees, the latter two of which are time-based. It takes approximately 3 hours.

Please note that liposuction on hips/waist “love handles” is not covered by Medicare or private health insurance.

Understanding Risks and Complications

While hip liposuction severe complications are uncommon, we want all our clients to be fully informed before making any decisions. Potential risks of liposuction on love handles can include bleeding, bruising, scarring, numbness, infection and accumulation of fluid. 

You must ensure that you follow your doctor’s postoperative care instructions closely and attend your follow-up appointment. This is very important to minimise the likelihood of any post-procedure complications.

The tumescent liposculpture technique Dr Heckenberg offers at Be Sculptured is universally accepted amongst peers and is carried out using local anaesthetic. Risks of blood loss and bruising are significantly reduced with this method.

Preparation Tips

While we will provide plenty of support during and after your hip liposuction procedure, there are some preparation tips that can support your recovery.

Frequently asked questions

Hip liposuction (or flanks lipo or “love handles” lipo) is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from the hips/ waist. It’s suitable for those who have stubborn fat deposits that can’t be worked off by diet or exercise. A liposuction proceduralist uses small tubes (cannulas) to strip away unwanted fat cells. A suction machine merely takes the fat cells away through a tube connected to the cannula, after they have been disrupted by the constant back and forth movement of the cannula. The result is a changed body shape by specific removal of fat cells.

To maintain optimal results, you will need to maintain a healthy diet and exercise regimen. While new fat cells are unlikely to develop or grow, remaining fat cells may become larger if you fail to do so. Furthermore, the natural aging process may result in future fat deposition.

Hip liposuction is considered a surgical procedure. Liposuction on hips is performed under local anaesthesia and sedation. Local anaesthesia numbs all the fatty tissue (allowing the procedure to be done under sedation and not general anaesthesia) and this can often help with pain during the early phase of the recovery process, because the local anaesthesia works for many hours after the procedure has finished. Sedation is provided to assist with patient comfort and relaxation. It also seems to make time go by more quickly. Sedation over general anaesthesia is preferred so the client may readily move into desired positions in order to sufficiently access the areas to change the body shape with liposuction. Trying to move a patient under general anaesthesia is very difficult and often unable to be done appropriately. Hip liposuction recovery time will typically include soreness, swelling, and bruising. The first 2 weeks are where most side effects occur. Numbness may last for many weeks to many months post-operatively and that time is variable amongst individuals. If you experience severe pain or bleeding, contact us immediately.

The reason for loose skin after liposuction on hips/ waist (“love handles”) is a lack of skin elasticity or the removal of a large amount of fat. For the vast majority of our clients, skin contracts to naturally fit the new contour of the hips. We can address any concerns around this topic in our initial consultation and assess you for suitability. Liposuction is not a suitable procedure for those with obesity or a high BMI>35 .

After your hip liposuction, the amount of time you’ll need off work will depend on the nature of the procedure and the speed of your own recovery. We recommend taking at least 1 week off work. It would be about 3-4 weeks before normal gym activities or jogging should be restarted. Ultimately, we believe it’s important to listen to your body, along with the personal guidelines provided by our team.

During the hip liposuction process, small incisions (usually 3-5 mm in length) will be made. These incisions are a necessary part of the procedure but they do not require suturing. Suturing tends to increase the propensity of scarring and the incisions are so small they don’t need suturing. They also act as drainage points so the excess local anaesthetic fluid may freely drain out over the next 1-2 days. Visible signs of healing usually fade over time in most individuals but these small incisions may become darker or lighter in colour or may scar or keloid in susceptible individuals.

Male hip liposuction is usually suitable for men with stubborn fat resistant to diet and exercise. If you can pinch a roll of fat between your fingers or see a bulge in the mirror, you may be a candidate for hip liposuction. It’s important to note that individuals with a BMI (Body Mass Index) over 35 are not suitable for liposuction on hips (“love handles”).. Contact us to learn more.

Schedule a Consultation

If you’re ready to take the next step on your hip liposuction journey, then contact Be Sculptured today.
During your initial appointment, Dr Meaghan Heckenberg will take the time to listen to your needs and discuss your eligibility. We’ll learn all we can about your goals before developing a personalised liposuction plan.

Our clinics are located in Bondi Junction, NSW, and Southport, QLD.

You may alternatively call us during business hours at  0484 898 977 or email us at [email protected].

Please take note

Liposculpture isn’t suitable for everyone. Only patients with a Body Mass Index of under 35 will be considered but only after they have been properly assessed during the consultation. Your BMI can be checked using the following online calculator: 

Please enter your weight in kg
Please enter your height in centimeters.

Smoking increases the level of carbon monoxide in the blood, which deprives tissues of oxygen. Blood supply is a major concern during any surgical procedure. Combining smoking and cosmetic surgery can categorically result in increased pain, loss of skin, infections, death of tissue or fat cells, delayed healing, thick scarring, permanent vessel damage, or blood clots. Smokers should cease smoking 6 weeks prior to the procedure or consider to not have the procedure at all.  

Patients with body dysmorphia disorder (BDD) are inappropriate for liposuction / liposculpture or any type of cosmetic surgery or procedure. Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a mental illness. People who have this illness constantly worry about the way they look. They may believe an inconspicuous or non-existent physical attribute is a serious defect. They respond to this by performing repetitive acts such as mirror checking or comparing their appearance with others. The severity of BDD varies. For example, some people know their feelings and / or perceptions aren’t rational or justified, while others are almost delusional in their conviction. BDD causes severe emotional distress. It is not just vanity and is not something a person can just ‘forget about’ or ‘get over’.

The preoccupation of their appearances can be so extreme that the affected person has trouble functioning at work, school or in social situations. People who suffer from BDD can target any part of the body. They may seek out numerous cosmetic procedures to try to “fix” their perceived flaw. Afterward, they may feel temporary satisfaction or a reduction in their distress, but often the anxiety returns and the search for other flaws may resume, along with ways to “fix” them. Treatment of BDD may include cognitive behavioural therapy and medication after an assessment by a Psychiatrist. 

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